Friday, April 18, 2008

Internet Network Marketing as Key to Earning Extra Income

Internet Network Marketing as Key to Earning Extra Income :

It is true that internet network marketing, especially those which are closely linked to multi-level marketing, has not achieved a completely positive reputation in recent years. Some say they have earned while a good number also claim that it has caused them to lose a lot of money. The reason in all these is that, in internet network marketing, the type of people included in the network will mostly dictate the level of income that you will make. With this, a little research is indeed necessary at the very start. While internet network marketing is quite easy to do, it should not be done in an untargeted manner. There has to be clear direction and purpose in your activities and a reasonable plan linked to it. One has to have an idea who are to appreciate the benefits in the network and who are more likely going to work at the same pace as you do to continuously realize these benefits. In other words, the right members are the key to generating a significant extra income. There are certain techniques that must be done in order to be able to attract these people to your network. Here are some proven-to-be-effective methods: 1. Create interesting articles for ezines, short for electronic magazines. In this way, you catch the attention and interest of readers and build your credibility. Eventually, whatever you offer them will be difficult for them to refuse. Likewise, the principle here follows mutual giving. The readers gain something from you by reading your article. In return, they give back by at least exploring the business that you have to offer. 2. Find resources to be able to give freebies. Anything free is most definitely attractive to anyone. After a while, you will see that you have formed a relatively good network awaiting what you can offer them. 3. Develop your own website. Your website will be like your reception area at the World Wide Web. You present what you can offer people there. You build interest in your business and how people can take part in it. Make sure, however, that you have a link to a sign-up form. Of course, you do not want to spoil any budding interest by letting them wait for a long time to actually join your network. You have to take effort to be able to accommodate them as soon as a good sign of interest is there. 4. Provide as much useful information as possible. The only way to address any doubts is by responding to these doubts with reliable information. In this way, your potential network member does not try to obtain the information from someone else and end up getting misled. 5. Obtain commitment. Online network marketing does not prosper with complacent members. You have to make it clear at the very start that extra income does not come without hardwork. It must be clear enough to your network members that they have to exert some effort as well to realize the benefits. The bottomline in all these is that within your online network, there has to be trust. It should be enough reason for each to actually take action and work effectively. Remember, you may consider it as a virtual organization which relies so much on team work, just like in any other organization

How to Effectively Manage Online Business Easily

How to Effectively Manage Online Business Easily :

For struggling owners of internet businesses utilizing affiliate marketing, the biggest problem encountered is usually managing the different aspects of the business. These could include monitoring payments received, tracking affiliate performance, doing product inventory, creating sales reports and basically, making sure that the entire business is running smoothly. With all these things to take care of, it would help if you have an all-in-one solution to your problem. In this case, an affiliate marketing network portal might make managing your business easier. But you should make sure that your affiliate marketing network portal features the following: Accept Different Payment Methods In order to provide your customers with more convenience, you must make sure that you can accept different payment methods. This means that aside from credit card payments, you must be able to accept PayPal and Moneybookers as well as receive direct payments thru payment gateways such as Google Checkout, and Worldpay. Handle Multiple Merchant Accounts In addition to offering multiple payment methods, your affiliate marketing network portal should allow you to manage all your merchant accounts easily. This is possible with a user-friendly interface, which will allow you to see details of the sales and check all transactions as well. Having an affiliate marketing network portal can also allow you to see the performance of your business in its entirety. Minimize Clutter in Your Sales Page In order to make your products’ sales pages more customer-friendly, you should make an effort to de-clutter by reducing the number of payment methods. It would surely create a more professional looking sales page and it would minimize confusion for your clients. Aside from this, you will also be able to save time when you are adding payment buttons on your sales page. You simply have to add one and you will receive all payments from PayPal, Moneybookers, payment gateways and even directly! Increase Sales with Affiliate Marketing With an affiliate marketing network portal, you will be able to enjoy built in networks of affiliates. You should also make sure that it allows your affiliates to place payment buttons on their website and direct these payments to your merchant accounts. This way, your sales page is not the only one generating sales but your affiliates’ sites as well. Your affiliates will, of course, enjoy commission for each successful sales transaction. Offer Monitoring System With all these things going on, it would help if you are able to monitor affiliate performance as well as track sales quite easily. It would mean that you can determine how well your business is doing. Aside from this, having a monitoring system will provide you with a way to assess your business and look for ways to improve it! Although there are many affiliate marketing network portals, you must only trust reliable providers such as Click2Sell.EU ( ). You will only have to sign up, add your items in the Marketplace, put payment buttons on your website and see your profits soar. You will surely enjoy their many benefits!

How To Start an Internet Business with ZERO Budget

How To Start an Internet Business with ZERO Budget :

When thinking of establishing an internet business, one of the things a person should consider is the cost. In most cases, putting up an internet businesses usually involve spending on the following items: • Web Hosting – obviously, you will need to have a web host that will help you set up your internet business. Their services may include a domain name; mail manager and POP email accounts. Fees for their services can cost from $70 to $800 annually depending on the services you availed of. • Sales Letters – you will need to spend on effective sales letters that will be sent out to market your product. Although this may not cost much, you will certainly have to spend a lot of time distributing them. • Payment System – in order to protect your e.g. digital product from illegal sharing between users, you must have a system like DLGuard. Installation usually costs around US$127. • Monitoring System – You will also need a system to track sales performance and create real time reports. This way you will be able to see how well your product performs and how well it sells to your target market. By analyzing such data you are able to find out the weaknesses of your product’s sales page to improve it. Moreover, you will be able keep track of your sales records, the best and worst days. • Network Fees- establishing a business network is crucial for the success of a business. Although most of them offer free membership, there are still some networking portals that charge you a certain amount in membership fees or even commissions. Most of these internet businesses set aside a big portion of their capital for marketing and advertising costs. With millions of consumers relying on the internet to provide them with easy access to product information, it is not surprising that effective online marketing has become a priority. But instead of wasting money on useless ads, there is a growing number of internet businesses that rely on affiliate marketing. Basically, affiliate marketing allows you to market products without spending outrageous sums of money on advertising. Online marketers or affiliates will accomplish the job for you by promoting your product on their websites. Each item or product sold will earn the affiliate a certain amount of affiliate commission. It is actually a very simple and cost-effective way to market and sell your products online. Many businesses swear by affiliate marketing especially since it has saved them much money. Having established how affiliate marketing can help you, you must now look for a reliable online affiliate marketing network portal that can provide all your internet business needs at NO COST at all! As one of the leading affiliate marketing network portals in the internet community, Click2Sell.EU ( can provide you with an effective way of selling and marketing your products. It already has a built-in affiliate network, large selection of payment methods, user-friendly interface and an advanced reporting and monitoring system. All you need to do is to register and put your product or item for sale in the Marketplace. Click2Sell affiliates will take care of the rest! The best thing is you will only be charged a very small amount for each product you sell and you can pay the affiliates conveniently as well! At the end of the day, you will enjoy a nice profit as well as big savings at no trouble

Top 5 Essential Tools For Successful Online Business

Top 5 Essential Tools For Successful Online Business :

You can sell your products successfully through some well known online merchant processing platforms which were until now the uncrowned kingpins of the merchant accounts world. If you are a minor player, you would be satisfied with the system these platforms offer you – just as a novice would be happy with a basic cell phone. However, when you gather experience and you learn what is in your path to become a mega-seller, you would stand up and take notice. When you outgrow the small seller’s position you would realize the painful process you might have to go through to set up a larger presence – you would need to have a protected download page which would ensure that your products would stay safe from illegal use; you would have to get a reliable web hosting, a cloaking script and so many other paraphernalia just to stay on the top of it. Additionally, every time you need a tiny change you would need to run helter-skelter for an appropriate tool and/or script which by itself is horror to handle. Finding them would not solve your problem; you would need to have them installed whether the requirement is about tools, mods or scripts and until you try to do it, you would not understand what the real meaning of a nightmarish experience is. Your worries would not end with the downloading; you would have to coordinate them because they would work only if they are compatible with each other, which if they are not, would have you start from scratch. Groan! What You Need To Have On Priority Basis It sounds terrible and it feels the same too. This is why success is hard, though the system is there. There is a lot of wishful thinking but no implementer – until Click2Sell.EU ( ) came on the scene. Now what you get is more, much more than you ever had with any merchant platform available: 1. The Automated Tacking Software - You will find here the latest and ultimate tracking implementation tools that even a novice could use. These tools are meant to track every aspect of the performance of the product so you could find out what you need to improve at any given time. 2. No html or configuration set-up – the worst nightmare was when you had to go through the codings every time you made a change. Well, not anymore as this would be take care off automatically the system with Click2Sell.EU. 3. Find out keywords that bring your website visitors and potential customers – the hardest part for merchants was to find out HOW the sales are made and HOW their real potential buyers find the merchant’s product and buys it. Merchants always wanted to know the websites which refer potential customers and real sales. Search engines play a huge role nowadays bringing visitors to the e-shop. But the problem is that it is quite hard to know which keyword used on a search engine brought a visitor who bought a product. Now it’s possible to track every information about the visitor – which keyword he/she used on a search engine to find and buy a product. This is where advanced scripts would be needed and which are provided by this new entrant Click2Sell.EU to be used and launched effortlessly. 4. Free affiliate program tools – you might sell product on your own… But you can also set up an affiliate program and run it. This way you can easily recruit affiliates on your website and your website visitors (even if they don’t buy your product) might become great partners to promote your product. You can have an army of affiliates making you sales and the greatest thing is that all you have to do is just to share part of your income with them. 5. Managing all in one – you can have a consolidated eye on everything that you sell through the merchant platform – whether it is sales, affiliate commissions, marketing tools, advertising, and even refunds in one place to handle and analyze. Whatever merchant platform you choose, make sure it gives the most benefits for you and your online business. This way you will be able to achieve your online business success much easier than you think.

Boost Your Business With Blogging

Boost Your Business With Blogging :

Business blog is an incredible online marketing tool that saves you thousands of dollars but provides great business opportunities in just one click. Blogs are user-friendly, customized and flexible medium for disseminating useful information for effective positioning of your products in the market. Companies engaging in business blogging have a definite edge over its competitors. Here are some advantages: a) Word-of-Mouth. In a survey, there are currently 14 million blogs with 80,000 more being added each day and about 30 percent of the 50 million users are blog readers. Imagine how much gain your company will have, if your products are advertised through blogs. With Internet, information spreads so quickly especially if an impressive write-up goes with your product. Soon your blogs will be passed on to hundreds of possible customers. b) Awareness and loyalty. Open communication with your customers creates trust and loyalty among them. Being there to respond to their questions and comments make them all the more willing to try your products and services. c) Feedback. Blogs is good for product research and reviews. It would be easier to improve on your products if you observe your customers’ thinking and behavioral patterns. You can also take immediate action to your customers’ concerns. d) Community halo-effect. Bloggers are reasonable, friendly and helpful. They are more than willing to create blogosphere of comments regarding your product. The only thing you have to do is embrace and take active part in the culture and your product will surely be considered in their next stop to the supermarket. For better marketing results, actively promote your business blogs by submitting your blogs to blog search sites and directories. Do not forget to paste in with your blogs, your URL. Be sure that your blogs contain exclusive information with value and are always updated to keep readers popping in, read up your blog, move on to the next and click on again for updates. Blog is like a setup booth in the biggest trade show on earth everyday. Marketing possibilities are just around the corner waiting to strike your sale scales up. The Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds are important too in conjunction with your blogs to get the best benefits. Use effective keyword phrases to generate high ranking status in the search engine traffic. In this way you have better chances of people finding your website leading to your blogs. More traffic means more potential sales. For this to be successful, you can use RSS for news update feeds which can be read through RSS reader application. This is a very useful tool for business and internet marketers as well. If you are already convinced with the potentials of business blogs for marketing and targeting sales increase, your company is now ready to start blogging. But first, you have to be in tune with your company’s business objectives and determine if blogging will really help you achieve your goal. 1. Several blogs are dedicated to teaching people the do’s and don’ts of blogging, READ them! Include in your reading materials blogs that are consumer-based too to give you an idea. 2. Setup several test blogs right away. If your initial try out with blogs worked well, you can now start setting up your blogs. 1. Study blog design. Blog hosting services provide pre-designed templates. But if you opt for paid blog service, you can ask your artist to design and layout your blog site to match the company’s identity and needs. 2. Choose a topic. Its good to have a line-up of topics you want for your blogs but be sure they are in consonance with your business objectives. This would be a test of your flexibility and open-mindedness since results may be going against the set objectives. 3. Remember the following safety measures in blogging: - legal issues are sometimes involved in blogging; it is safer to include disclaimers and limitations of liabilities; - corporate communication and legal department are responsible in educating the senior management on how blogs might affect business; - create blogging policies; set limits on who gets to blog and what information are allowed to be made public; - avoid outright marketing blog or you will shy away your readers; - make content updated, relevant and fresh; - reinforce the company’s core values; and, - encourage employees to use it. 4. Start blogging and complete 20 posts before going to marketing. 5. Begin marketing. 6. Regularly monitor the coming ins and outs of readers and get updates. Then, measure your results. 7. Adjust if needed. You can always play with your designs in the blog site as long as it remains to match the company’s identity. 8. Strive to be consistent with your topic all the time. 9. Try to have unrelated topics with general and broad appeal. 10.Schedule updates regularly. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday would be best to update blogs. Once you have done all these things, you can now ultimately enjoy the benefits of business blogging.

Get Rich Quick Scheme?

Get Rich Quick Scheme? :

No. It is not true that the so called "get-rich-quick-scheme" exist at all. Maybe if you venture into illegal businesses, you might find your riches quickly. But you also will be busted and be a bankrupt as quickly as you became rich. To me, a get-rich-quick-scheme does exist. In a way that if you work hard, you will get rich the fastest possible way you can ever imagine. Getting rich quickly is not true, unless you work hard and are willing to learn, you definitely will be much richer than those people working a day job. As a saying goes,"time is money", must be remembered for those who wish to get rich quickly (I don't mean in a day or two). You have to spend every second available to you to get on with your research and to plan your strategies if you wish to venture in the online market. The online market is saturated with online-marketers-wannabes. But if you put in the extra effort, I am a hundred and one percent sure that you will be able to succeed. There are many ways for you to choose if you wish to work from home. There are jobs ranging from online marketing to doing online surveys. It is up to you to choose which job you really want to do. But let me tell you something, even if you know practically nothing about the internet, as long as you are willing to learn and put in the extra effort, you will be able to succeed and earn even more than those who have ventured in online marketing for a long time. So, getting rich quickly is impossible if you think short-term (maybe a week or two). If you think long-term (maybe a month or two), it is possible to achieve your desired results. And you can start planning for a holiday to Hawaii or whichever country you wish to visit. Working from home and earning a handsome amount of salary might be a fantasy to others, but not to you and me.

How to Raise the Money to Start Your Internet Business in 5 Easy Steps

How to Raise the Money to Start Your Internet Business in 5 Easy Steps :

So, you have discovered that perfect home-based business that is going to have prospects banging down the door to sign up…but you don't have the money to invest. The investment requirement may be $1500, it may be $1000, it may be $100. The point is that you have NO money to spare, if you want to keep a roof over your head and food on the table. This describes most, in today's economy, but you are special because you are wise enough to realize that if you just keep doing what you are doing now, you are just going to keep getting poorer. Now mind you, that doesn't mean you can walk into your boss's office, drop off your resignation letter, and tell him to pound sand just yet…that comes later. But, you know that while your day job will make you a living, your online business will make you a fortune. Right? So the challenge is to raise the money to start your business as soon as possible. The methods I am about to teach you will do just that, PLUS generate recurring monthly savings that will become your advertising budget. Step 1: Where is My Money Going Now? The simplest and best way of making money is to reduce your costs. But you may already only be buying what you need! So, we are going to reduce our costs WITHOUT sacrificing the goods/services that we need. But first, what ARE our costs? Exercise: Take out last month's bank statement and credit card bills. Itemize each of your major costs. Your list may look something like this: * Mortgage on house or cost of renting * Car payments * Health Insurance * Car Insurance * Homeowners Insurance * Groceries * Fast food/lunches out at work * Telephone/Internet/Cable * Gas These are just a few. It can be frightening to see just how much money you are spending to keep a roof over your head! So now that we know WHERE our money is going, let's take action to divert more of it away from other people's pockets and into our own. We will do that via… Step 2: Competitive Bidding--Who wants my business? It is simply astonishing how almost every company utilizes competitive bidding, and yet how few households do! For every item we listed up there, there are dozens, hundreds, or thousands of different companies who would love to have you as their customer! Let's make them compete against each other, shall we? Exercise: Find your policies for Health, Auto and Home Insurance. Find exactly what your coverages are, and your premiums. THEN, go online to a competitive bidding website, fill out your information, and request quotes from dozens of bidders! I personally use LowerMyBills and E-Health Insurance (links are provided in the resource box below). Representatives from these companies will be scrambling all over each other to provide you with their most competitive quotes, especially if you… Tip: TELL THEM that other companies are bidding for your business! No one wants the competition to get a customer, so they will cut their margins as much as they can! Tip: Create URGENCY by telling them that you are only accepting bids until X date, at which point you will choose the most inexpensive offer that meets your needs! You will be astonished at how much this will reduce your monthly costs. This is a service that I perform for clients, in exchange for a % of whatever I save them, and believe me that is a pretty penny. But you don't need me to do it for you, you can do this yourself! Savings: (will obviously vary from person to person, this is what I tend to see on average) Savings on health insurance: $200 per month Savings on car insurance: $100 per month Savings on home insurance: $75 per month First-month savings on insurance: $375 Ongoing monthly savings: $375/month Wow! That's a nice chunk of change right there towards your business. And your actual results may be much higher or much lower, but chances are that right now, unless you bid out your insurance annually, your provider is probably treating you like a 200-pound 4th-grader taking your lunch money. Step 3: I Can Pay Less, to Save MORE?!? Have you been reading the news about the economy? In an effort to turn around the recession, the FED has been slashing through interest rates with speed and vigor usually seen only in Japanese Samurai movies. Take out that mortgage bill, and see what rate you are paying. 7%? 6%? We'll use an average mortgage amount of $200,000, and assume your current interest rate is 7% at a 30 year fixed loan. Ergo, your payment is $1,330.60 per month. Do you have any idea JUST HOW MUCH money you can save by refinancing now at a lower rate? With the Fed rate cuts, loans at 5% are easily available. Just that 2% drop in interest will lower your payment on the SAME LOAN to $1,073.64…saving you $237 per month!! Let's add that in… 1st-Month Savings on Refinancing at lower rate: $237 Ongoing monthly savings: $237/month And you can roll in your closing costs to the loan, so you don't pay anything up front, and STILL be saving this much (a few thousand over a 30-year loan just knocks off about $20 per month from your savings, which is already factored in above). Step 4: Waste Not, Want Not Now we are going to look at such a simple, obvious, and EASY way to save money, that never even occurs to most people. What are you doing for lunch at work? Are you getting fast food, because it's easy and convenient? If so, you are spending about $6-$8 per meal! Or do you eat out a restaurant? That gets REALLY expensive, anywhere from $10-$20 per meal or more! For this example, we will say that you are like most of working America and you eat lunch at a fast food place, spending $7 per meal. So not only are you clogging your arteries and getting poor nutrition, but you are spending $210 per month just on lunch!! Start bringing your lunch to work with you. Make yourself a sandwich, or whatever you please. The groceries will add up to $1-$2 per meal, if that. Let's say $2 per meal. 1st-Month Savings on Brown-bagging it for lunch: $150!! Ongoing monthly savings: $150/month Benefit to your health: Priceless! And how badly do you REALLY need that $3 Mochachino from Starbucks every morning on the way to work? If you cut that out of your budget, there's another $90 per month you save! BUT I LIKE MY FANCY STARBUCKS DRINKS AND DON'T WANT TO GIVE THEM UP!! Ok, fiiiine! Give it up for just the first month then. If you are going to be able to make $1000's of dollars per month by starting your internet business, wouldn't you be willing to make that small sacrifice? In the words of Jim Rohn, "OF COOOURSE!!" Step 5: Take Advantage of the Economic Stimulus By now you've probably gotten the letter from the IRS about the Economic Stimulus Plan…you are going to be receiving a check for somewhere between $300 and $1200 in May 2008! If you spend it on bills, it's gone, and the bills will be back…with friends. That's why you want to start your internet business in the first place, right? So that you will have gigantic loads of income streaming in again and again from your marketing efforts? For this example, let's assume you are married, below a certain income level, and have 1 child. Your tax rebate will be $900 (or possibly $1200, but let's be conservative). Ok, let's recap. So far, we've managed to raise: Savings on health insurance: $200 per month Savings on car insurance: $100 per month Savings on home insurance: $75 per month Savings on Refinancing at lower rate: $237 per month Savings on small luxuries like Starbucks: $90 month 1 Unexpected Tax Rebate Coming in May: $900 month 1! Savings from not eating out for lunch: $150 per month Total Savings for First Month: $1752 Ongoing Savings per Month: $762 per month WOW! We are there!! You have raised $1,752 to start your business, which is more than most cost! Not only that, but you will be saving almost $800 per month…let's take $400 of that and invest it our business as our Advertising Budget, and we will have LOTS of prospects coming to our site…and from there, it is just a matter of the Law of Averages to generate out your sales. My Passport to Wealth business only costs $997 to get started, and an advertising budget of $350 per month gets you a professional Marketing Manager who does all your marketing for you, AND a personal sales assistant who calls all your prospects! I have included a link in the resource box to learn more about this hands-free automated internet business. So that would leave an extra $752 in month 1, even above and beyond the cost of investing in your business…AND you would have ongoing savings of $412 per month. Do you think you could find a use for this extra money that you raised? "OF COOOURSE!!" Feel free to contact me if you need any help with any of these 5 Simple Steps to Raise the Money to Start Your Internet Business. I believe strongly that giving back to others is the way to wealth. Kind regards, Rob Hunter Passport to Wealth Mentors4U Team Resources: Passport to Wealth Get competitive bids here Get competitive health ins bids Learn more about your tax rebate

Five Kinds of Successful ONline Businesses

Five Kinds of Successful Online Businesses :

If you're seriously considering starting an online business, it makes sense that you would want to choose something that's going to do well right from the start. When you're investing time and money in your business, it would help to know if you're setting yourself up for failure or for success. Here are five different kinds of online businesses that have proven to be a hit with customers. Perhaps you can find your perfect business idea here too. Health and Weight Loss Everyone either wants to lose weight or wants to improve their health. We're a society that wants to take care of our bodies and if we look good at the same time, that's all the better. If you want to start an online business, you might want to focus on ways to help people lose weight or simply to improve their health. You can do this by offering fitness and health related products on your website or perhaps by offering eBooks that will help them make better health decisions. Try to find something that relates to a question or a concern a person has about their health - and then you have a viable and profitable business plan. Beauty While it used to be that beauty was something that only women talked about, that certainly isn't the case any longer. That said, women are still the consumer group that is much more likely to invest in makeup and skin care products, though men too are looking to improve their appearance. With anti aging face products, both genders can begin to reclaim their youthful appearance, which will help them feel more confident in any setting. Selling high quality makeup products and helping customers with their choices is a great business plan, as it allows customers to have the department store experience from the comfort of their home. Exercise and Sports But weight loss isn't the only concern with it comes to health for customers. Exercise and sports are other areas where you can make a profit with your online business. For example, selling sporting equipment or products related to sports fans is still a big business. When you work with the team and their product line, you will be able to access thousands of fans who want to support their team with licensed products. Fashion Of course, fashion is still a hot seller, no matter where you are. If you can present high quality fashions on your website, you will attract not only the teenaged sector, but also those in their twenties and thirties - of both genders. Look to celebrity and gossip magazines to show you what's hot and what's not and then look for a vendor that sells the same or similar items that you can them turn around to sell for a profit. Low Price Goods No matter what you choose to add to your website, if you can sell products available on other sites for a much lower price, you are going to do well. This goes for fashion, beauty, exercise, sports, etc. If you can find high quality products that can be sold at much lower prices, you will draw in many more customers than you could have with higher priced goods. For example, if you can find a way to sell organic goods and clothing for much cheaper than healthy food specialty stores, you can help those that want to be healthier, but can't afford the higher prices of other stores. No matter what you choose, try at first to think of things that you yourself might want to buy online - chances are good that you're not the only one

Online Jobs

Online Jobs :

There are many avenues to home employment on the Internet. If you look for jobs at home or work at home jobs on a search engine, you will find many Jobs at Home Websites with Job Listings. Some offer Free Membership and some charge a Monthly, Annual or Lifetime Registration Fee. Many offer Free Trial Memberships or Trial Memberships. Some jobs at home websites you will see on the Internet are:,,,,,,,, and Staffing Services, No Fee Work At Home However, there are also many more companies online offering home employment directly with no cost to you. Some of them are Outsourcing Services hiring home employees from their own websites. You will also see help wanted advertisements from temporary and permanent employment agencies looking for workers. You might consider employment agencies, staffing services, freelance websites, recruiters, help wanted classifieds or jobs search agents. An online search for virtual staffing services should provide many helpful online virtual staffing services that are looking for employees to work for their clients. Outsourcing Services No Fees You will find many more work at home opportunities on the Internet with Outsourcing Services. They already have a large clientele and marketing system and are looking for more employees to help their clients. There are call centers, customer support providers and customer relationship management firms that pay people for customer support work done from home, telesales specialists looking for salespeople, virtual assistant agencies looking for virtual assistants, data processing services looking for data entry typists and many other outsourcing services are advertising for employees to work online. You will also see many online Outsourcing Services that advertise editing services and recruit editors to work for their online services, or writers, typists, accountants, etc. Many temporary agencies and freelance websites also advertise for workers who will work on outsourced projects for them. Help Wanted Classifieds For recent help wanted classified advertisements look at and Recent classified advertisements with titles like Now Hiring, Help Wanted and Job Openings are posted in newsgroups, job boards, forums and message boards too., and check many job boards in their job search. You could also post your resume at and apply for jobs you like with your resume from their website., a large job and career website, and also provide this service free. Jobs At Home Newsletters There are also many helpful jobs at home websites that will send you recent job advertisements in a newsletter or ezine. You can join their mailing list or subscribe to their newsletters free at their websites. is recommended for recent jobs at home advertisements in their free newsletter., and also provide free jobs at home information in their newsletters. Email Alerts are also available from many job and career websites including, and Internet NewsgroupsAnother resource for job search and help wanted advertisements is Internet Newsgroups. Jobs are posted in Newsgroups at in newsgroups like,,, and You can find many recent help wanted advertisements in newsgroups and messages about them. You can also search for jobs. Many more jobs at home opportunities are listed in Yahoo Groups and MSN Groups. Jobs At Home Search Engines You will also find many jobs at home search engines and jobs search engines that you can search for jobs. You can search for home employment with jobs search engines using keywords like at home, home, homebased, job at home, outsource, remote, telecommute, telemarket, telework, virtual, work at home, and work from home. will do a Job Search and/or Resume Distribution for a charge. These websites have jobs at home search engines: - - - - - Employment Agencies A good place to start would be with Employment Agencies. They have one of the largest selections of employers and jobs and they are professionally trained in job placement. Some of them are Outsource Staffing Services or Virtual Staffing Services that have employee bases of their own. You can register with them and start working for them, too. Register with these Employment Agencies, Outsourcing Services, Virtual Staffing Services and Freelance Agencies and they will help you find a job. You will need a professional resumé and cover letter. You can make your own and upload them to the websites. You will also see many Resumé Services in this book that will design and distribute your resumés. You should also have several professional references. It would also help you to take some classes or tutorials and add some Certifications to your resumés. Some of these Services will provide a Customized Web Page for you with your CV (Curriculum Vitae) or Resumé, a Profile, References, Contact Information and Degrees, Diplomas and Certifications. You will be able to send prospective Employers to these Web Pages. Employment Agencies - AccounTemps - Adecco - AlpineAccess - AssistU - CareersFromHome - ConnectCareers - ContractedWork - CyberSecretaries - DeskTopStaff - Elance - Electric Quill - Elite Virtual Assistants - Executary - FlexibleSchedules - Global Staffing - HireAbility - HomeBasedSecretaries - HR-Dept - Job Line - PhoneMagicInc - Prime Outsource - Professional Support Services - Speedy Secretarial - Staffing Services - Tad Accounting - V Services - V Staff - V-Staffing - VIPDesk - VirtualAssistantJobs - VirtualAssistants - VirtualAssistantsRUs - Virtual Corp - Virtual Medical Staffing - VirtualResourceMgmt - VirtualStaff2CallCenter - VirtualStaffing - VOStaffing - Financial Employment - AccounTemps - BalanceYourBooks - Bookminders Inc. - Financial Staff - JobsInTheMoney - TadAccounting - Wall Street Services Telecommuting, Jobs At Home Websites with Job Databases, Training, Resume Help, Job Newsletters and More- - - - - - Medical Nursing Jobs - - - - - - - Accounting Bookkeeping - AccountantsWorld - AccounTemps - Accounting & Finance Personnel - Ajilon - BalanceYourBooks - BankingBoard - Bookminders Inc. - Call An Accountant - Financial Staff - I Hire Accounting - OutSource Your Books - Prime Outsource - TadAccounting
Debra Mundell - Author of Work From Home Jobs Directory, Lottery 101 How To Predict Lottery Numbers Creator of the Magic Lucky Lottery Numbers Oracle -